April 2016 – Salvadoran Committee El Piche thanks Score Sports for the donation of 40 thousand uniforms for soccer and basketball. The introduction of these donations was with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Presidential Franchise, and benefited low-income people in the Departments of Ahuchapan, Chalatenango, Cuscatlán, La Libertad, La Union, Morazán, Santa Ana, San Miguel, San Salvador, San Vicente, Sonsonate, and Usulután. Donation valued at $200,000.

Donation of $200000COMPLETED!
How to donate to help the Salvadoran Committee El Piche?


You can make a difference in the lives of many by joining the various projects our committee supports. We have improved the lives of thousands of people who need us, but we know there is still a need to do more. We look forward to your support for the various causes and projects of Comité Salvadoreño El Piche.

Contact us

If you have questions or need more information about our projects, you can write us an email or fill out our contact form from the Contact section.

Join the cause

Would you like to make a difference in the lives of those who need your help? Together we can do it! For over 20 years Comité Salvadoreño El Piche has helped our community in various projects that have marked the history of many people. When you donate to Comité Salvadoreño El Piche you are joining a cause that for years has helped and continues to help the communities that need it most.